Freelance Advertising Copywriter, Direct Mail Advertising, Copywriting Services

Advertising Copy Mistakes

$117,251.23 in sales
One sales letter he wrote for me brought in $$117,251.23! When I want my marketing to bring in huge $$$, I bring in Alexi."
Ed Burton
Bestselling Author

Tripled TV Response Leads
"Alexi wrote a TV ad that tripled our client's previous response rate. And just to show it was no fluke, he just did it again with another of our clients! Suffice to say I am extremely happy with the outcome!"
Max Compton
(One of the biggest producers of daytime television commercials in the country)

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The 7 Biggest Advertising Mistakes You Can Make and Why They're Costing You a Fortune!

Mistake No.1:
Running Image Based Advertising
Instead Of Direct Response

"Image" based advertising, as it's called, is the type of advertising big companies often partake in. It's the least efficient... and... the type you must avoid. Small business owners (with limited advertising budgets) should NOT be doing any sort of image advertising. You simply cannot afford it. You've got to make your money last! Larger businesses on the other hand, who have multimillion dollar advertising budgets can afford it, I suppose.

Direct response advertising on the other hand asks your prospect to buy now. Period.

Mistake No.2:
Selling Prevention

It's a sad fact, but it's the truth. People don't care about preventing problems... they just want to experience them, and then find a solution. It's the old reactive mindset. This is why so many budding entrepreneurs have tried... and failed... to sell preventative medicine, gym memberships, home security alarms, back pain preventatives and the like.

Mistake No.3:
Not Taking The Risk Away!

Here's a powerful idea that can literally mushroom your business in no time at all - take the risk away from your customers.

I'm sure every one of us has suffered the indignity of a poor hair cut. True? Yet I ask you, if you were a hairdresser and your client wasn't happy... would you do your best to improve it... for free? Most likely, and I'm sure most hairdressers would. Yet, how many hairdressers use this as a selling point? Personally, I've never seen it... ever! Have a look at this: "We Guarantee You'll Absolutely Love Your Style Cut... And... So Will 99% Of Your Friends... Otherwise We'll Fix It FREE!"

Mistake No.4:
Not Creating Powerful
Money Making Headlines

The headline is the most important part of an advertisement. It's what attracts a person to your ad. Think for a moment when you read the newspaper or shuffle through your mail... what's the first thing you look at? The headline!

Whatever you do, please do NOT use your company name as your headline! Instead you must use a clear and concise benefit to your prospect as your headline.

Mistake No.5:
Not Being Unique!

What sets you apart from your competitors? What is unique about your business? Is it durability? Is it service? Is it quality? Is it variety? Is it price? Is it longer trading hours?

U.S.P means a Unique Selling Proposition. As the name suggests, it is the unique benefit or advantage you provide your customer over and above your competition. It is the #1 reason why customers do business with you.

A USP can be based on price, convenience, durability, guarantee, quality, exclusivity, range or after sales service. There's an infinite choice of USPs to use. Why should you have a USP?

Mistake No.6:
Writing 'Professionally'

No doubt you're reading the heading above and thinking, "What's Alexi talking about, he's really lost the plot with this one!" Hold on a moment my friend, and I'll explain myself. When clients send me their advertisements or sales letters to critique, one of the most common mistakes I see is the copy (the words in the ad) sound more like a declaration of war rather than an advertisement. Your ads need to read as you would speak. The copy needs to be conversational

Mistake No.7: Not Addressing All Your
Customer's Concerns

When you're selling via print, on the Internet, by direct mail or even on TV, you must know what makes your prospect buy... and you MUST know their key concerns. You will usually be limited for space... so you need to raise your prospect's key concerns very early - otherwise he or she will NOT buy from you.

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